5 Plumbing Mistakes You Must Avoid in Your Home

Leaky pipes under the sink, dripping faucets, and a toilet that won’t shut off – Some of the most common plumbing issues that a homeowner can fix without professionalplumbing services are listed here.

Although these essential solutions can lead to costly mistakes, the homeowner may not be aware that they are making an issue worse when they try to solve it.

Here is a list of the five most common home plumbing blunders, along with tips on avoiding them. Make sure you to take a note of it:

Sending Unnecessary Items Down the Toilet

A common plumbing mistake in households with children and early teens is flushing stuff down the toilet (such as toys and other unusual items, such as feminine hygiene products). However, this is usually plain basic sense.

Some of these items may go down the toilet fine at first, but they get clogged somewhere along the drain line and can’t come out! A blockage can result from this, but if it gets entirely trapped, the entire toilet may have to be removed to get at it.

Use of Drain Cleaner in excess

Although commercial drain cleaners are excellent for removing clogs and built-up debris from drains, overuse of these solutions can be harmful.

If you overuse drain cleaners, they can eat away at the walls of your plumbing system since they contain harsh chemicals to break up clogs. In addition to metal pipes, these cleansers can also damage PVC pipes.

The easiest way to avoid an issue like this is to keep an eye on what you flush down the toilet. Using vinegar and baking soda to loosen the blockage and then a plunger to clear the drain is an excellent initial step.

Making a Mistake While Dismantling a Faucet How to reassemble it

Dismantling a water faucet, for example, is a simple process. On the other hand, reassembling the tap can be a real pain.

Many of the faucet parts begin to resemble each other once dismantled. It can be challenging to put everything back together if you’ve been paying attention.

Snap a few images when dismantling the faucet to observe how everything goes back together.

In the long run, it will save you both time and money by preventing the need to call us to come out and fix or replace your faucet.

Neglecting to Gather the Necessary Equipment Before Beginning Work

Without the right equipment, you may find yourself in a situation where your plumbing problem gets worse rather than better.

A flat-head screwdriver, for example, could harm the screw head on the faucet you’re trying to remove and make it more difficult to remove.

Avoid this by studying what tools are needed before beginning any plumbing project and bringing the correct tools to the task.

Tightening the Nuts and Bolts

You might believe that tighter is better for pipes and fittings, but that is often not. Galvanized fittings can be damaged by over-tightening them, and using too much force when tightening a bolt at the bottom of a toilet’s cupboard could cause damage to the porcelain.

Even worse, the fracture you’ve made may go unnoticed for a long time before anyone notices it. When the fitting finally fails, it could be weeks before you see a leak that has the potential to cause significant flooding.

While it might be difficult to tell when a connection is excessively tight, it is usually advisable to stop tightening it if there is no movement.

Finally, a few more blunders

Stuck Shut-Off Valve Experiment

The only thing worse than over tightening a connection is trying to force a blocked shutoff valve with too much muscle power.

When not used for an extended period, shutoff valves for sinks and toilets frequently become stuck open. Don’t expect that yanking on the knob will make it turn if you can’t quickly turn it. This can damage the knob, but it can also break the valve stem.

Using an adjustable wrench, you can loosen the stem nut just enough to allow you to spin the knob, thus solving this difficulty. Retighten the stem nut and check if the shutoff valve has developed a leak once you’ve completed your plumbing project.

Inadequate Water Shutoff

Many homeowners either forget to switch off the water or think they can change out an old valve for a new one while it is still running.

Problems arise when things don’t go according to plan, resulting in a flooded area and potentially even pouring water on lower floors.

You should always turn off the main water shutoff valve before you begin any plumbing project or turn off the shutoff valve to the fixture you plan to work on.

Not adhering to local building regulations

To save money, many homeowners take on minor renovation jobs themselves. These people could run into problems in the future when trying to sell their house or updating their homeowner’s insurance if they don’t know what local building codes are.

Not completing it right the first time could create harmful situations that could go unnoticed for months or even years until the issue is identified, making it more challenging to fix the problem.

Look up all applicable regulations in your city and state before beginning any home improvement project.

Having a poor understanding of your limitations

It’s not always easy to tell when a plumbing project is too challenging for you to handle on your own. The best approach to find out if you should take on a project is to speak with a specialist.

Once you have a better idea of what’s involved, you may decide whether or not it’s best to outsource the work or do it yourself.


The following common blunders in plumbing can be avoided to keep your property safe from plumbing catastrophes. Any time in doubt, call in a skilled plumber to help with anything from minor repairs to the large bathroom or kitchen renovations.

Read more: 4 Things To Do Immediately When Your Home Is Flooded