Developed by Jetbrains in 2011. Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language that works seamlessly with Android, JVM (Java virtual machine), Native, and Javascript. This multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language is known for its security, interoperability, and efficiency. 

Its extended functions, low-cost adoption, and smart cast functions are a few reasons why Kotlin is so popular amongst developers. Businesses can hire Kotlin app developer and kickstart their app development projects as long as they have a neat app idea. 

While Kotlin offers many perks to the applications, incorporating these features or building them appropriately can be a hassle without the right help. Here, we will talk about some of the ways you can optimize your Kotlin app’s performance. 

Let’s dive in! 

Ways to Optimize your Kotlin App’s Performance 

Use “if not null’ instead of “let” to check nullable properties 

When coding, it is a common practice adopted by developers to use the “if not null” function for checking whether the value of a type variable is null. However, using this control structure might require you to implement complex branching logic in the future. 

But with the use of the ‘let’ extension function provided by Kotlin, this issue can be immediately resolved. This scoping function makes sure that any or all the variables declared within this can’t be utilized anywhere outside. However, programmers can use it for nested lets or chaining multiple nullable values. 

Now, let’s take this coding example – 

Val b: Int? = null

if (b != null) {


}//reduced code

b?.let { doSomething(it) }

Here, we can also use the Elvis operator (?:) used in Kotlin to ensure nullable properties do have a default value. For that, we can write 

doSomething(b ?: 0). 

This will ensure that b has a default value assigned to it. 

Single line coding to generate lists in Kotlin 

The traditional or conventional way of generating lists is by initializing an array and writing coding logic for loops. However, the process is lengthy as programmers have to write multiple lines of code. 

While this may not seem to be a problem if you are writing limited codes, it will surely become daunting when you have a large application to build. Luckily, Kotlin provides programmers with a way to do it in a single line of code. 

When you hire dedicated Kotlin developers, you would see how this task can be achieved by writing a single line. 

IntArray(10) { 1 }.asList()

When you write this, an integer array of length 10 is created where every element is initialized to be 1. It can save the development effort of Kotlin developers in multiple instances. 

Use of ‘check’ or ‘require’ to execute early exit conditions 

Setting early exit conditions while programming for Kotlin android apps is made easier with functions like ‘Check’ and ‘Require’. 

Traditionally, programmers used the ‘if’ condition to write any early exit conditions, but they weren’t as effective. For example, the if statement would look like – 

if (m < 0) {

  throw IllegalArgumentException(“message”)


Instead of writing an if statement, Kotlin developers can now use check or require to set the early exit conditions. 

require(m >= 0) { “The number mustn’t  be negative” }

//check function throws IllegalStateException if the object state is equal to False. 




Reduce boilerplate code using ‘with’ and ‘apply’ functions 

Boilerplate codes are often used while developing an application and are referred to as the pieces of codes that are present multiple times in a program with little to no variation. It is used for standardization purposes and to ensure developers have access to such relevant pieces of code anytime they want to code similar elements quickly. 

However, these are repeated codes and might cause your application vulnerable to errors and bugs. In any case, programmers want to reduce it as much as possible. ‘Apply’ and ‘With’ functions enable developers to create neat and concise code. 

The ‘apply’ function is evoked for initializing the object and the ‘with’ function is needed to pass the object as an argument. Using these functions in Kotlin, developers can reduce some of the boilerplate codes effortlessly. 

These are some of the programming methods you can use to optimize your Kotlin app’s performance in 2022. For further optimization information, you can find a Kotlin developer for hire and get the necessary optimization solutions. 

Summary: Kotlin android applications can be as effortless as you want them to be when optimized for performance. These optimization techniques to be used in 2022 can help businesses boost their app’s performance and coding efficiency. Read more to check! 

Author Bio: Maulik Shah is the CEO of BiztechCS, a development company. He often takes the front seat in the company’s development projects, because he enjoys solving problems through technology. When it comes to writing for any blog, his contribution is priceless. Maulik ensures that his interaction with development is frequent enough, and his industry knowledge is ever-evolving so that he can share it. Despite his packed days, Maulik’s door is always open and he is generous with sharing this knowledge and experience. 

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