A well-designed home has been a desire for every homeowner before interior design trends even existed. Ever since the early days of civilization people have always looked for ways to brighten up their living space and beautify their abode, but the concept of home interior design was only defined in the 1900s.

After years of development and countless design trial and errors, we have finally begun to recognize the aesthetic themes that stay with us and keep coming back into popularity. Classic interior styles that look amazing in any time period. Here we take a deep dive into the history of interior design trends to take inspiration from timeless styles and some of the most beautifully designed home interiors ever. 

Why Interior Design Matters

To understand what makes interior design trends popular, we first have to go over why you should care about your home interior. Aesthetics and beauty play important roles in design planning, but they’re not everything. In essence, an interior designer’s purpose is to make your living space more functional and better suited to your needs. This means that a well-designed home must be practical in use, easy to move through, feel comfortable, and of course, look visually appealing for the homeowner. 

You should see your home interior as one big aspect of your life. It’s where you and your family will be staying for some time, so you shouldn’t overlook any detail about it. If you’re in the position to freely decide how you want your home to look and feel, you should consider getting expertly crafted pieces and furniture for your everyday use. A worthwhile and long-lasting investment for a better quality of living. Your interior design choices DO matter and can enhance the warm feeling of being at home.

9 Timeless Home Designs

Wooden Flooring and Furnishing

Seeing wooden elements in a house always gives off a classic and rustic feel to it. The implementation of wooden flooring and furnishing has been around for as long as people have been making shelter. The evolution of the quality of material has greatly improved throughout the years but, fundamentally, wooden design is as aesthetic as it’s always been.

Modern wooden flooring has many advantages that come with it. They are made of strong and sturdy materials, easy to keep clean, the natural colors do not fade away, they’re long-lasting and economical, and they make for great decor to match with the rest of your wooden furniture pieces. There are even more reasons to integrate wood into your home, but that’s more than enough to see why it stuck around for so long

Clear White Environment

Clear white walls, clean surfaces, and white storage spaces are sights we’ve probably all seen. It embodies cleanliness, purity, and freshness, and is especially popular in most kitchen settings. The white motif is one of the interior design trends that never go out of style because of how simple yet appealing it is. 

If you are someone who enjoys the sight of white walls and furnishing, then keeping the shine of white background will leave you feeling good. Just don’t forget to tidy up any dirt that can be easily seen so the room stays bright and elegant.

Home Bar

Many people dream of owning their own home bar, and you could see that idea has gained more popularity in the recent interior design trends. Home bars were first seen to be used in the 1950s by homeowners that could afford them. It was a special place to store and age your exquisite collection of fine drinks. Home bars allowed people to enjoy the pub setting from the comfort of their own living space, but it was also used as a place to gather guests and entertain a group of friends. 

Home bars can be a great addition to your home interior and life goal for many connoisseurs of liquor and people with luxurious tastes.

Decorated Shelf

You don’t always need to go out and buy pricey furniture to have a well-designed home. Sometimes all you need to add is a bit of personal touch. 

People have been using their shelves to decorate their home interior for many generations. You can decorate it with your personal favorite items like books, knick-knacks, art, and family photos. Having a shelf that shows your unique artistic flare can add a lot of value to the room. It makes for a more cozy setting as a personal design element.

Comfy Fireplace

The fireplace has been a classy and elegant choice for those who like to enjoy the flare of the outdoors. The idea of the indoor fire source was first seen in the early 1600s but was more defined in people’s homes in the 1700s.

It was quite popular among homeowners back then, and it still remains one of the interior design trends for people with the right taste for it. But we can’t overlook the downsides of having a real fire set in your living room. That’s why many people are switching to artificial or remote-controlled fireplaces to keep things safe while still enjoying the same comfy and warm feeling it provides.

Canopy Bed

The Canopy bed is a timeless piece from the 13th century. They were mainly for the grand and luxuriously designed home castles of royal and noble families. The purpose of the canopy bed was to give privacy to the person sleeping in it, while also having curtains shield to shield them from the night’s cold. Privacy was needed in their bedroom because back then, the nobles who slept on canopy beds always had a servant or attendant ready at the end of the room.

Nowadays, people don’t have personal attendants to watch over us at night but the design and style of canopy beds are still a favorite in modern times. Those who have experienced sleeping on a canopy bed would describe it as warm and comfy but also empowering in a way. The large frame of the bed along with the lavish curtains flowing down to the base makes for a unique experience that only a canopy bed can give.

Wall-to-Wall Carpeting

Wall-to-wall carpeting, a fitted carpet that stretches across all four corners of the room. It was first seen in the 1930s and quickly gained popularity as a soft and cozy addition to any home.

Wall-to-wall carpeting comes with many practical benefits. Aside from being a comfortable surface to walk on, it also reduces the risk of damage from accidents, keeps the room warm and well isolated, and can come in many patterns and designs for you to customize and match with its surroundings. Overall, wall-to-wall carpeting is one of the most favored home design ideas since its creation.

There are so many more home interior ideas and styles that remain timeless throughout the ages. If you think we missed something, just send us an email and we’ll update this article accordingly. Other than that, feel free to use the designs that best fit your preferences and personal tastes. Need an interior designer? Contact Julie Paulino Design for a consultation!

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about Interior Design Ideas for Tiny Homes then visit our Home Improvement category